prognostic|prognostics in English


[prog'nos·tic || prɑg'nɑstɪk /prɒg'nɒ-]

omen, portent, presage; sign of future events, harbinger, indication of the future

Use "prognostic|prognostics" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "prognostic|prognostics" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "prognostic|prognostics", or refer to the context using the word "prognostic|prognostics" in the English Dictionary.

1. Some Biomarkers have both a prognostic and a predictive value.

2. ( Diagrams showing the prognostics of the four fixed and seven movable karanas are given .

3. ( Quotation from Varahamihira ' s Samhita regarding different kinds of comets , their prognostics , etc . are given .

4. Among histopathological prognostic parameters the mitotic activity is the most important one.

5. Newer approaches to implement statistical and prognostic methods in the automated analysis algorithms.

6. Incidence and prognostic significance of spontaneous and inducible Antidromic tachycardia

7. 8 A curative tumour resection was the most important prognostic factor.

8. Title: A clinical prognostic scoring system for Guillain - Barr é syndrome.

9. Late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) has been associated with adverse prognostic outcome in DCM patients.

10. Labral lesions are common accompanying findings in acetabular dysplasia, representing an important prognostic factor.

11. Routinely used markers like c-reactive protein or leukocyte count , have no prognostic value.

12. Furthermore, the combination of Avai and Vp provides additional prognostic information

13. Stratus-OCT and Cirrus-OCT imaging were performed to identify prognostic factors.

14. An early detection of the anastomotic leakage is an important prognostic factor.

15. The prognostic significance of inducible Antidromic AVRT is controversial in asymptomatic patients.

16. Accumulating evidence suggests that quality of life scores have an independent prognostic factor.

17. Modalities of radiotherapy, surgery, internal medical, and oncology must be applied contingent on individual prognostic factors.

18. Prognostics - General guidelines" (2004) ISO 20958:2013 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machine systems -- Electrical signature analysis of three-phase induction motors

19. Prognostic factors can be determined by clinical parameters, molecular analyses and patient characteristics (e.g. age and comorbidities).

20. Cytogenetics is considered one of the most valuable prognostic determinants in acute myeloid leukemia (AML)

21. Synonyms for Auguring include prophecy, prediction, forecast, prognostication, prognosis, augury, soothsaying, foretelling, prognostic and prognosticating

22. The major prognostic factors were preoperative corneal vascularization and the presence or absence of inflammation.

23. DNA Adduct 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine, a novel putative marker of prognostic significance in ovarian carcinoma Int J Gynecol Cancer

24. Future guidelines may allow several parallel drug sequences based on prognostic factors and individual biomarkers.

25. Objective: To investigate the prognostic significance of Centralization in patients with subacute sciatica and referred symptoms